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Vývoj - IT vzdělávací kurzy a školení

Pumpedu nabízí kurzy z oblasti testování - jsou určeny softwarovým developerům. Automatizace mobilních aplikací, testů, bezpečnost webových aplikací a další.

27.01. 2025 (dnů = 3) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 20700 Kč + 21 % DPH

This 3-day course covers the software testing fundamentals, providing you with the necessary foundations for a software testing career. It is also useful for other IT professionals who wish to gain a knowledge of the terminology and processes of software testing.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

27.01. 2025 (dnů = 2) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 1190 Kč + 21 % DPH

This training course is especially recommended for testers who have just begun, or soon expect, to work on an Agile project. It goes beyond the mechanics of testing to cover the most important single success factor for an Agile team: the various ways in which all members of the team should collaborate to deliver high quality at speed, and the special contribution that testers can make to that. It is also recommended for testers who have an Agile background and wish to demonstrate their proficiency by obtaining ISTQB certification.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

05.02. 2025 (dnů = 3) - online - cz - materiály jsou v elektronické podobě - 20700 Kč + 21 % DPH

Tento 3denní kurz Vám poskytne nezbytné základy pro testování softwaru. Je také užitečný pro další IT profesionály, kteří chtějí získat znalosti o terminologii a procesech testování.

Akreditované školení ISTQB zajišťuje společnost Tesena s.r.o. , akreditovaný poskytovatel školení. Certifikační testy jsou zajišťovány společností Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

10.02. 2025 (dnů = 5) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 34500 Kč + 21 % DPH

This course focuses on the skills required to manage the testing of software in a variety of lifecycle and project contexts. The course is accredited by the ISTQB and leads to the ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Certificate.

Our training includes exercises and practice exam questions to highlight key aspects of the syllabus, to help participants understand and practice the concepts and methods presented and to prepare them for the certification exam.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

25.02. 2025 (dnů = 3) - Praha - cz - materiály jsou v elektronické podobě - 20700 Kč + 21 % DPH

Tento 3denní kurz Vám poskytne nezbytné základy pro testování softwaru. Je také užitečný pro další IT profesionály, kteří chtějí získat znalosti o terminologii a procesech testování.

Akreditované školení ISTQB zajišťuje společnost Tesena s.r.o. , akreditovaný poskytovatel školení. Certifikační testy jsou zajišťovány společností Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

03.03. 2025 (dnů = 3) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 21900 Kč + 21 % DPH

This 3-day course will suit software testing professionals who want to build on Foundation-taught techniques to become highly qualified technical testers and receive the "Certified Technical Test Analyst" certification. 

Course includes a number of practical exercises to reinforce the extra techniques taught. The course explores ways to plan, prepare and test using technical test techniques across the Software Development Lifecycle. It deals extensively with component testing, white box testing, static analysis, non functional testing and test automation.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

02.04. 2025 (dnů = 3) - Praha - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 20700 Kč + 21 % DPH

This 3-day course covers the software testing fundamentals, providing you with the necessary foundations for a software testing career. It is also useful for other IT professionals who wish to gain a knowledge of the terminology and processes of software testing.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

07.04. 2025 (dnů = 3) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 28700 Kč + 21 % DPH

This 3-day course focuses on generally applicable software testing techniques that are beyond the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation Level and prepares for the ISTQB CT Advanced Level Certification Exam - Test Analyst.

Our training includes exercises and practice exam questions to highlight key aspects of the syllabus, to help participants understand and practice the concepts and methods presented and to prepare them for the certification exam.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

12.05. 2025 (dnů = 5) - online - en - The materials are in electronic form. - 34500 Kč + 21 % DPH

This course focuses on the skills required to manage the testing of software in a variety of lifecycle and project contexts. The course is accredited by the ISTQB and leads to the ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Certificate.

Our training includes exercises and practice exam questions to highlight key aspects of the syllabus, to help participants understand and practice the concepts and methods presented and to prepare them for the certification exam.

The ISTQB courses on this page are offered by Tesena s.r.o., accredited training provider. Certification tests are provided by the Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.

21.05. 2025 (dnů = 3) - online - cz - materiály jsou v elektronické podobě - 20700 Kč + 21 % DPH

Tento 3denní kurz Vám poskytne nezbytné základy pro testování softwaru. Je také užitečný pro další IT profesionály, kteří chtějí získat znalosti o terminologii a procesech testování.

Akreditované školení ISTQB zajišťuje společnost Tesena s.r.o. , akreditovaný poskytovatel školení. Certifikační testy jsou zajišťovány společností Czech and Slovak Testing Board, z.s.